Your mobility journey starts here

Learn how individuals around the world use Cyberdyne technology to regain their mobility and restore their independence.

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Top universities and rehabilitation clinics trust our sensing technology to achieve rehabilitation breakthroughs every day.

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Discover real stories from real people about how Cyberdyne technology changed their lives forever.

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Here's what people we work with say

Hal - Lower Limb
"This revolutionary technology offers hope to people looking for rehabilitation & to many who are told they would never walk again."
Hal - Lower Limb
"I need to be able to walk in my daughters wedding. The first time I got on it, I thought 'This is going to be great' I am going to be able to walk, but No! It was very difficult but super awesome. Initially, the robot was having to do all the work for me. Every time I got in the robot it I was able to do a little more until I was able to just do it on my own. When it came time to walk at my daughters wedding, I was able to walk with a walker down the aisle."

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